Cole knows his letters pretty well but wasn't quite understanding that multiple letters make up a word. He would just look at the first letter of a word and guess words that started with that letter. Last night we were reading a book and I helped him sound out the word "truck". Then all by himself he sounded out the words "bus" and "tractor"!
Today we were at Dollar Tree when Cole looked at the sign and said "Hey, there are two L's. What does that say? Doll, dolla, dollar. That says Dollar store!" He sounded out Dollar but not Tree...I guess he has a short attention span like his daddy :)
I can't believe my baby boy is big enough to read! It's only a few words so far, but it still amazes me. I'm so glad that I get to stay home with my kids and witness big moments like this!
Way to go my Super Cole!!
That's awesome!
whoa, that's impressive! go cole! i need to crack the whip on max. he's no where near reading yet. well, he knows his letters and stuff. i've never tried sounding out words. maybe he can? thanks for the motivation:)
you're a cute momma tears. hope all is well in your neck of the woods!
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