Monday, August 13, 2012

Hide Your Keys!

So, my parents took Cole and Ellie to the zoo today. When they got home my Mom told me that Ellie hit her lip and had a big bruise. I wasn't too surprised, she's kind of accident prone and very adventurous which isn't a good combo for her :) Then, my Dad shamefully told me the real story and I had to share it because I couldn't stop laughing.
Ellie and my Dad were waiting outside the bathroom for Cole and my Mom. Ellie climbed up on a golf cart that was parked next to the fence where they were sitting. My Dad said "Ellie, I don't think you should be playing on that" while at the same time thinking "What could she do to a golf cart? She's too little to drive it so she can't really hurt it." Next thing he new she drove it into the wall and hit her face on the steering wheel! Who knew that a 2 year old could turn on a golf cart and put it in drive?! I think I am in trouble...better keep my keys out of reach :)

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