Sunday, December 12, 2010

And so it begins...

We had our first snow day today.
Last night we drove through the first blizzard of the season to get to our branch Christmas party. It was scary, but worth it. This morning we woke up to a two foot snow drift in front of our door and ice covering the roads and sidewalks. Church was cancelled "due to declining weather as well as poor road conditions" so we had our first snow day of the season.
Ben braved the freezing temperature and wind gusts to shovel us out while the kids watched out the window the best they could, wishing they were out there too.

Later in the day we got all bundled up to brave the cold and deliver our neighbor gifts. The kids were so excited to be going outside! Ben and I had a good laugh over our pink marshmallow puff in her snowsuit :)

Welcome Winter, but please don't stay too long!!

1 comment:

Tara said...

Holy cow! i remember similar posts last year. good luck with that! miss you and can't believe how big your kids are!