Friday, May 21, 2010

From the mouth of Cole

Cole has made quite a few insightful comments today. I thought I would share:

When Cole told me that he had to pee I suggested that he go on the potty. His response was"I always want to go on the potty, but I just can't go on the potty." This coming from the boy who has an almost completed potty sticker chart.

"My name is Mr. Rectangle. Sister is a square. You are an oval!" I guess he has his shapes down. :)

At the library Cole sat at one of the tables and said "Shh, I have to study now."

When referring to his diaper he said proudly "Mommy my stinky is khuge!" Such a true statement. If only he could go on the potty!

"She's crawling!" Yep, I have two mobile kids now.

I told Cole thanks for doing something and as always he said "Thanks you too."

Cole came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around my neck in a big hug and said "I love you so much Mommy!" then gave me a big kiss on the cheek. :)

Cole was eating a poptart one day and dropped a piece. When he found the piece a little bit later he picked it up and said "Oh happiness!"

What a sweet, funny, smart, loveable little boy!


allegra said...

what a cute photo of the little charmer:) he's smart and funny. just like his mom!!! hopefully he gets your dance skills too!

The Coombs' said...

He cracks me up, and that is the cutest picture. Did you take that?